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Nutritional Counselling

We offer nutritional counselling to help optimize your pet's diet and meet their unique needs. We also sell a variety of foods so we can be your one-stop shop when it comes to your pet's nutrition.

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Meeting Your Cat or Dog's Nutritional Needs

The nutritional needs of pets can differ significantly based on age, breed, health status and more. To help make this complicated topic a little easier for pet owners, our veterinary team offers nutrition counselling.

Healthy foods for your pet are enriched with proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, fat and minerals, but not all pet food is made the same. Knowing what's right for your dog or cat can be tricky so our veterinary team wants to help you take the guess work out of your pet's dinner.

We look forward to working with you and your pet to provide a medically supervised, veterinarian-approved nutrition plan that will help them stay happy and healthy for many years to come!

Nutrition Counselling, Ottawa Vet

The Nutritional Counselling Process

We’ll begin by performing a complete physical exam and a health analysis to determine your pet’s nutritional needs. We'll then use that information to develop a custom food plan to meet those needs.

We may recommend using prescription diet food products if we feel they will have added benefits for your pet that regular products do not.

As pets age, their nutritional needs often change, so we must reassess the situation periodically. We will revisit our plan from time to time to make sure it is still effective.

How Can Nutritional Counselling Help?

Our dietary counselling services can help address concerns about your cat or dog's nutrition and health. This service may also be able to help you:

  • Manage your pet's food allergies
  • Decode nutritional labels on pet food
  • Control health conditions such as diabetes
  • Help your pet achieve a healthy weight
  • Learn which and how much food to feed your pet
  • Choose food for your pet based on their needs

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New Patients Welcome

Our veterinary team would love to get to know your dog or cat and provide them with high-quality veterinary care. Contact us today to book an appointment for your companion.

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